Migraines are a category of headaches that affects 4.8 million Australians. They are a severe throbbing type headache that typically occurs on one side of the head/facial area. It can be caused by stress, hormones, caffeine/chocolate, changes to routine and can also be triggered by certain smells, foods, lights or sounds. Symptoms can include one or more of the following: nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sensitivity to certain smells, sounds and lights.
What can help to manage headaches?

Migraines can be severely debilitating, having a major impact on those who experience them in their daily lives. There are several things you can do at home to help manage your migraines:
Avoid any known triggers like smells, lights and sounds where possible
Using ice packs or cooling headbands to reduce any muscular tension and inflammation
Doing meditation or mindfulness activities helps to reduce stress levels
Keeping physically active to keep your body; nerves, joints and muscles moving like these stretches
How can Chiropractic help migraines?
As Chiropractors, we hear a lot “I get migraines which are common/normal”. The truth is Migraines and Headaches ARE NOT NORMAL or COMMON. It’s time to turn that saying around and put your body and head first. Studies have shown that Chiropractic care is very effective at preventing and alleviating migraine attacks. Chiropractic care helps by:
Improving the movement of the spinal joints and muscles
Reducing the pressure against inflamed nerves
Decreasing the stress in the body
Improving the function of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems
Supporting the connection, of the brain and nerves to the body
If you are experiencing migraines or have in the past and are worrying about flare-ups, call up and get your spine and nervous system checked today by a Chiropractor. It’s time that we stop saying “migraines are normal/common”, and time we put those migraines behind us.
Want to know more?....Book a consultation with us and we can kick-start your healing process. Click HERE to book your initial consultation with one of our Chiropractors at Sydney Family Chiropractic.
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Our Chiropractors can provide you with tailored and appropriate care, as well as lifestyle advice to help improve your spinal health and overall wellbeing.
This article effectively highlights the potential benefits of chiropractic care in managing migraine headaches, offering valuable insights for those seeking alternative approaches to alleviate their symptoms.